PurebySO - PurebySafiyyahOsman: September 2016

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Sekarang viral pasal perempuan kelihatan tua dari usia bila ada mata panda. Ramai yang tak tahu kenapa dan mengapa kulit bawah mata cepat jadi gelap dan hitam.
So dibawah adalah 7sebab kenapa kulit bawah mata anda cepat jadi gelap dan hitam.

Biasanya, lingkaran hitam atau kantung mata timbul akibat kulit di bahagian bawah mata yang tipis sehingga kita nampak pembuluh darah. Kulit di bagian bawah mata adalah bahagian paling nipis pada tubuh, dengan ketebalan hanya 0.5 mm.

Kurang tidur dapat menyebabkan peredaran darah pada bahagian kantung mata tersumbat, sehingga timbul kantung mata atau lingkaran hitam tersebut. Usahakan untuk tidur sebelum jam 11 malam selama 6-8 jam setiap malam.

3. USIA.
Semakin bertambahnya usia, kolagen akan semakin berkurangan. Ini menyebabkan timbulnya garis halus atau kedutan di beberapa bahagian kulit mata. Kerap berjenur dapat mengurangkan potensi kolegen hilang dari kulit.

Merokok dan minum minuman beralkohol menyebabkan pembuluh darah lebih jelas dibawah kulit mata.

kekurangan cairan tubuh boleh menyebabkan pembuluh darah di bawah mata melebar dan membengkak sehingga menyebabkan munculnya lingkaran hitam. Jadi, pastikan minum air yang cukup dan elakkan minum atau makanan makanan/minuman yng tinggi garam.

Menatap skrin m komputer atau laptop terlalu lama dapat menyebabkan ketegangan keletihan yang menjerumus kepada lingakaran hitam. Sebaiknya, jarakkan mata ke skrin dalam 20inci.

Semakin kita stress, semakin kulit stress. Oleh itu elakkan berada disalam situasi stress.

Almond Oil for Dark Circles

Almond oil is a good moisturizer and it works well in the areas around the eyes. Since the skin around the eye is very sensitive and delicate, it is advisable to use this natural remedy rather than going for any harsh chemical beauty products.
Gently massaging almond oil around the eyes during nights can give great results in reducing the dark circles. By doing this every day, the blood circulation increases and it gives amazing results.

  • Almond oil is naturally anti-inflammatory, so it reduces puffy bags under the eyes and dark circles.
  • It’s a good source of vitamin K, which improves clotting, reducing discoloration under the eyes.
  • It contains palmatic acid and retinol, which moisturize delicate under-eye skin, leaving it soft and smooth.
  • Almond oil contains anti-oxidants that keep skin healthy.
  • It also helps contract dilated blood vessels that cause discoloration.
  • It provides the monounsaturated fats and vitamin E your skin needs to remain youthful, supple, and radiant.
  • As a natural emollient, almond oil balances the skin’s water content, preventing dryness.
  • It helps to lighten the dark spots and removes the dark veins appearance to clear dark circles.
Lets try.....

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

5 Vitamin Terbaik untuk Kulit Sihat

Holla, hari ini admin nak share vitamin yang bagus untuk kulit, sila pastikan daily skincare uols mengandungi Vit A, Vit B3, Vit C, Vit E and Vit K, bukan bahan kimia semata. Vitamin-vitamin tersebut biasanya dari tumbuhan yang dah diekstark dalam bentuk oil dan mempunyai fungsi-fungsi nya yang tersendiri. happy reading uols.

1. Vitamin A for wrinkles
❤❤ Best overall age-fighter

Find it in: OTC lotions, night creams (vitamin A derivatives are known as retinoids), and prescription products

Proven to: Reduce wrinkles, fade brown spots, and smooth roughness. "There are more than 700 published studies on retinoids—they're tried-and-true ingredients. Anyone who wants younger-looking skin should use one," says Doris Day, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at New York University Langone Medical Center

2. Vitamin B3 for redness
❤❤ Boosts hydration to reduce redness

Find it in: Lotions, creams, and serums. It's often called niacinamide on the label.

Proven to: Increase production of ceramides and fatty acids, two key components of your skin's outer protective barrier. "As that barrier is strengthened, skin is better able to keep moisture in and irritants out—making B3 a great ingredient if your complexion is dry or sensitive," says Leslie S. Baumann, MD, director of the University of Miami Cosmetic Medicine and Research Institute. In one study, a moisturizer with niacinamide improved the flushing and blushing of rosacea, a common condition that can worsen with age. Another B3 skin care benefit: It inhibits the transfer of pigment to skin cells, minimizing dark spots.

3. Vitamin C for spots
❤❤ All-around anti-ager

Find it in: Moisturizers formulated to keep vitamin C stable (opaque, airtight containers are ideal). Look for C near the middle of the ingredients panel to help ensure the 5% or higher concentration needed to see skin care benefits, advises Hema Sundaram, MD, a dermatologist in the Washington, DC, area.

Proven to: Mop up the free radicals that trigger wrinkling, sagging, and other aging changes. Vitamin C also helps smooth and firm skin and fade brown spots. In one study, women who treated sun-damaged skin with a C cream for six months saw significant improvement in fine lines and discoloration. Though the benefits of retinoids (see vitamin A) and vitamin C sound similar, using both delivers more complexion perfection. "Skin aging occurs in various ways, so you need multiple forms of defense and repair," says Dr. Lupo.

4. Vitamin E for moisture
❤❤ Eases dryness and bolsters skin's UV defense

Find it in: Sunscreens and after-sun products. The best anti-aging products contain at least 1% vitamin E, so it will be listed near the middle of the ingredients panel.

Proven to: Quell dryness by helping skin retain its natural moisturizers. Also, vitamin E's potent ability to neutralize damaging free radicals has earned it the moniker "the protector." A slew of skin care studies document its superstar status. In one, E significantly reduced the number of these unstable molecules created after exposure to cigarette smoke. Others show that when it's used before UV exposure, skin is less red, swollen, and dry.

5. Vitamin K for dark circles
❤❤ For younger, brighter eyes

Find it in: Eye creams that also contain retinol.

Proven to: Possibly help lighten under-eye circles. Fragile capillaries that allow blood to leak into skin are considered one cause of under-eye circles, and vitamin K (aka phytonadione) may put the skids on this seepage by controlling blood clotting. Daily use of a K cream significantly lightened circles after 4 months in one study, but because the cream also contained retinol, researchers aren't sure which ingredient deserves credit for the improvement—retinol alone thickens the translucent under-eye skin (making it harder to see the dark blood vessels below) and lightens melanin that makes circles more prominent. Still, it can't hurt to try a cream that contains vitamin K and retinol; according to Dr. Baumann, the retinol may enhance K's ability to penetrate skin and knock out darkness.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Lavender Good For Acne and Eczema

Lavender  tidak asing lagi dalam dunia kecantikan semulajadi. Selain digunakan sebagai essential oil yang meberikan effect mood tenang, Lavender juga sanggat membantu dalam merawat masalah jerawat, eczema, sun burn,  dan juga sebagai detox kulit. Cuma pastikan menggunakan Lavender oil yang asli bukan tiruan ye :). Jom tambah kan Lavender oil dalam rutin cantik seharian.

1. Helps Treat Acne:

Lavender oil is one of those few natural ingredients you can look up to for getting rid of acne troubles. The oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that can fight the bacteria that cause acne and inflammation.
Simply dab some lavender oil on your acne blemishes using a cotton swab, and see the desired results.
According to University of Maryland Medical Center, aromatherapists use lavender extensively for treating acne.

2. Aids In The Treatment Of Eczema:

3. Can Detoxify The Skin:

Given the obnoxious variety of environmental toxins and other pollutants our skin is exposed to most of the time, it is not surprising to know that our skin’s health is deteriorating with each passing day.
But we have lavender to the rescue – it contains powerful antioxidants that can fight against the harmful effects of pollutants on the skin.
In one study conducted by the Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC, it was found that lavender oil was one of the few potent essential oils that can inhibit the growth of skin bacteria.

4. Heals Burns:

The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of lavender oil again play a role here. The oil is beneficial in healing the burns, and also helps treat the scars caused by them (or scars caused by injuries. In addition, lavender oil also acts as a pain reliever.
Just add a few drops of lavender oil to the burnt area after keeping it under running water for about 10 minutes. Doing so can accelerate the healing process. However, keep in mind that you must consult a doctor immediately in the case of serious burns.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Witch Hazel Good For Acne Major Problem

Is witch hazel good for acne? Yes!
Acne scars: Witch hazel is good for acne scars. The skin care benefits for witch hazel are amazing on acne prone skin!
Pimples: It’s good for your face and works gently on pimples. Your pimples will reduce in size and the inflammation will lessen. With all the expensive creams and cleansers, a budget friendly and effective way to combat acne is once again Witch Hazel!
Oily skin: It’s effective, yet gentle astringent that reduces inflammation, reduces redness, reduce pore size, and removes excess oil from skin.Witch hazel is good for oily skin too, it helps balance the PH level of your skin and moisturize.
How to use witch hazel for acne: After cleansing your face, saturate a cotton pad with witch hazel and thoroughly wipe your skin with it. You may see some excess dirt and oil dissolve onto your cotton pad. Amazing how much oil and dirt witch hazel dissolves.  My skin always looks and feels smoother and tighter after treating it with the natural goodness of witch hazel!
If you have sensitive skin and ACNE, I highly recommend you use an alcohol free witch hazel! Recommendation is using the ESA LAVANDULA MIST TONER that’s highly concentrated in witch hazel and it’s alcohol free, gentle and contains skin nourishing goodies. 

Sunday, September 25, 2016


Salam uols, kembali bersiaran. kali ini admin nak share tips penjagaan kulit muka mengikut jenis-jenis kulit. Wajib buat rutin ni ye kalau nak kulit yang sihat dan glowing. Siap dengan bonus tips lagi admin share.

Daily Routine: Combination Skin

♪ Morning: Wash your face with a foaming face wash. Then, apply a light serum and moisturizer with SPF.

♬ Night: Wash your face and apply a nighttime moisturizing lotion.

Bonus Tip: Combination Skin

An exfoliating mask is key for combo skin. It will keep the pores clean so you have less sudden breakouts, plus it will keep the rest of your skin looking bright!

Daily Routine: Dry Skin

♪ Morning: Rinse your face with room temperature water. Then, apply a hydrating serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen.

♬ Night: Wash your face with a non-drying face wash—ideally one with hyaluronic acid. Then, apply a serum.

Bonus Tip: Dry Skin

Dry skin gets dull fast. You need to make sure your skin cells are turning over regularly, so use a gentle exfoliator. Plus, a serum containing olive oil will keep your skin looking fresh, soft, and smooth!

Suggested: Sens-dry Soap, Lavandula Mist Toner, Golden Jojoba oil, Choco Face Mask
** hyaluronic acid terkandung dalam goat milk soap , olive oil juga terkandung dalam sensdry soap

Daily Routine: Oily Skin

♪ Morning: Wash your face with a foaming face wash every morning! Then, apply a serum or moisturizer that contains zinc which controls oil production without stripping your skin. Don't forget sunscreen!

♬  Night: Wash your face at night with the same foaming wash and apply serum. Serum helps add oxygen to your skin cells (which gives you that healthy glow!) and tells your pores to stop producing extra acne-causing oil.

Bonus Tip: Oily Skin
Back away from the blotting papers! Nothing signals the skin to over-produce pore-clogging oil like removing your natural oils all day. Instead, use an overnight spot treatment or even sleep in an exfoliating mask to banish acne!

Suggested: Comb Ac-n Soap, Lavandula Mist TonerGolden Jojoba oil, Choco Face Mask

IG: www.instagram.com/kekwa_colors2/ - @kekwa_colors2 
Email: kekwacolors@gmail.com 
Shopee: http://bit.ly/23rmlWX

Saturday, September 24, 2016


Natural SPF 24

Fungsi Face Oil Purebysafiyyahosman :-

🍎 Melembabkan kulit & menyingkirkan minyak jahat dari kulit.
🍎 Bagus untuk semua jenis kulit.
🍎 Dijadikan primer makeup.
🍎 Antiradang & antibakteria
🍎 Menyihatkan kulit muka.
🍎 Kaya dengan vitamin A, B, dan E.
🍎 Bagus untuk merawat kesan luka, parut,sunburn.
🍎 Mengurangkan radang kulit, eczema @ psoriasis.

Cara Penggunaan

For Normal Dry Skin
Use after face cleansing & mist toner applied, Shake to activate.  Gently squirt 1 pump of face oil onto your palm. Rub between the palms. Massage the face in upright direction.

For Combination/ Oily/ Acne Skin

After face cleansing & mist toner applied. Shake to activate. Gently squirt 1 pump of face oil onto your palm. Rub between the palms.DAB-DAB the entire face. Leave it in 2-3 minutes and gently dab your face with soft tissue paper to kick excess oil.

IG: www.instagram.com/kekwa_colors2/ - @kekwa_colors2 
Email: kekwacolors@gmail.com 
Shopee: http://bit.ly/23rmlWX

Friday, September 23, 2016

PureBySO Powerful Hair Mist

Sangat memberi kesan pada masalah rambut yang berminyak, terlampau kering dan rambut berbau busuk akibat terperap didalam tudung.

Juga diadun untuk menyelesaikan masalah rambut gugur & masalah kelumumur.

Diadun sepenuhnya menggunakan minyak asli sweet orange yang sangat bagus untuk akar rambut dan kulit kepala.

Bahan utama organik minyak argan,sweet orange extrak,minyak asli sweet orange,minyak vitamin E,Minyak kelapa dan grapefruit .
Kebaikan Orange Oil Untuk Rambut.

Anda boleh menggunakan hair mist pada bila-bila masa dan diaman jua!

Fungsi lain :
- Mengawal keguguran rambut.
-Merawat akar rambut dan menyegarkan kulit kepala.
- Menjadikan rambut lebih sehat ,lebat dan bersinar.
- Memulihkan rambut yang rosak,kering & terlalu berminyak.
- Menyingkirkan minyak yang berlebihan pada rambut dan kulit kepala.
-Melembutkan rambut yang kasar akibat shampoo.
-Menghilangkan bau busuk rambut yang terperap.

Cara penggunaan :
1. Gunakan setiap hari selepas mandi atau bila-bila masa yang anda suka.
2. Spray ke rambut hingga kulit kepala.
3. Ratakan pada keseluruhan kepala.

IG: www.instagram.com/kekwa_colors2/ - @kekwa_colors2 
Email: kekwacolors@gmail.com 
Shopee: http://bit.ly/23rmlWX

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Orange oil for Hair

Orange oil for hair has the best reviews because of orange essential oil helps
the hair become thick, shiny and free of split ends.

Orange oil carries a lot of useful features for your hair.
⌘ First, orange oil has a soothing effect on irritated scalp. Therefore indicated for dryness of the scalp and dandruff.
⌘ Secondly, orange oil is an excellent moisturizer and is recommended for dry, damaged
and brittle hair.
⌘ Thirdly, orange oil well vitaminizes skin and hair, due to the content of vitamin C.
⌘ Fourth, orange oil prevents hair loss as a way to strengthen the hair roots and stimulate their growth. As you can see, the usual orange oil can solve \ quite a large range of hair problems.
So let's learn how to use orange oil to the hair.

⌘⌘ The simplest thing you can do at home using orange oil for hair – it enrich them any
factory-made cosmetics (shampoos, conditioners, conditioners, masks). 
At 10 grams means the base will need 3-4 drops of orange oil – put your palm on the usual means, drip with oil, then mix and can be applied to the hair.

We also advises adding orange oil in homemade beauty products for hair. Such products are more natural and is much better for the hair. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Petua Hilangkan Tanda Hitam Dan Eye Bag Di Bawah Mata

Korang mengalami masalah tanda atau lingkaran hitam di bawah mata? 

Mata anda kelihatan seperti panda akibat kurang tidur atau keletihan.

Okay bagi nak menghilangkan eyebag korang / mata panda yang KETERLALUAN. Boleh ikut petua kat bawah ni :)

1. Campurkan perahan jus lemon dengan sedikit air suam. Sapukan ke bahagian bawah mata dua kali sehari. Lakukan setiap hari sehingga mendapat hasil yang memuaskan hati.

2. Basuh uncang teh yang telah digunakan dan simpan ke dalam peti sejuk selama 10-15minit. Letakkan uncang teh yang sejuk di atas mata. Biarkan selama 15-30 minit. Lakukan sebelum dan selepas tidur.

3. Kupas, bersihkan dan potong kentang nipis-nipis. Lekapkan pada mata. Biarkan selama 20 minit.  Lakukan sebelum dan selepas tidur.

4. Sapu air sejuk dari peti ais di bahagian bawah kelopak mata setiap pagi selepas bangun dari tidur. Yang ni senang je kan.

5. Bancuh sebiji kuning telur dengan sedikit madu dan perahan lemon. Sapukan adunan tersebut pada sekeliling mata terutama pada bahagian bawah mata. Lakukan sebelum tidur dan bilas dengan air bersih keesokan paginya.

6. Sapukan minyak sapi pada sekeliling mata terutama pada bahagian bawah mata. Biarkan selama 15 minit dan kemudian cuci muka hingga bersih. Amalkan selalu sebelum tidur.

7. Bersihkan dan potong timun nipis nipis. Letakkan atas mata selama 15 minit. Confirm fresh mata .

Atau pun uols sapu je Eye Serum Magic PurebySO :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

PureBySO My Organic Sweet Orange Shampoo

Penggunaan shampoo organik yang konsisten, dapat memberikan kulit kepala yang sehat tanpa menyempitkan saluran darah di kepala.

Mengandungi Aqua, Decyl Glucoside, Lauryl Betaine, Sodium Chloride, Xantham Gum, Phenoxyethanol, Serbuk Jus Aloe Barbadensis Leaf, Asid Sitrik, Asid benzoik, asid Dehydroacetic, pati minyak sweet orange.

This product contains 74.47% certified organic ingredients & approved by the Soil Association.

Fungsi lain :

✈ Menghilangkan dan merawat kelumumur yang teruk.

✈ Menguatkan akar rambut dan mengurangkan rambut dari keguguran.

✈ Menghilangkan masalah rambut berbuah.

✈ Merawat masalah hujung rambut pecah.

Cara penggunaan :

1. Basahkan rambut.

2. Gunakan 2-3pam shampoo,ratakan ke seluruh kepala.

3. Biarkan seketika.

4. Bilas dengan air bersih.
5. Disyorkan memakai hair mist selepas memakai shampoo.

IG: www.instagram.com/kekwa_colors2/ - @kekwa_colors2 
Email: kekwacolors@gmail.com 
Shopee: http://bit.ly/23rmlWX

Monday, September 19, 2016

Pure & Choco Face Mask | Scrub.

Pure & Choco Face Mask | Scrub.

Wajah yang tidak pernah memakai masker akan menyebabkan bintik hitam tumbuh bak cendawan selepas hujan. Guna pencuci muka sahaja tidak cukup. Penggunaan masker wajah secara konsisten 1-2kali seminggu mampu menghilangkan bintik hitam dan mengecilkan liang pori pori wajah kita.
Bahan yang digunakan : rolled oat organik,serbuk koko & campuran minyak asli.
Fungsi lain :
- Menanggalkan blackhead & whitehead.
- Mengecutkan jerawat bernanah dan ruam jerawat.
- Memudarkan parut jerawat.
- Mengecilkan liang pori-pori dan membersihkan liang pori-pori.
-Menghilangkan lebihan minyak pada kulit wajah.
Cara penggunaan :
1. Ambil 1-2sudu kecil serbuk face mask ke dalam mangkuk kecil.
2. Masukkan sedikit susu segar atau air bersih.
3. Kacau hingga menjadi paste.
4. Sapukan keseluruhan wajah.
5. Biarkan kering.
6. Bilas bersih


IG: www.instagram.com/kekwa_colors2/ - @kekwa_colors2 
Email: kekwacolors@gmail.com 
Shopee: http://bit.ly/23rmlWX

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Kick-It Acne & Blemish Stick

kick-IT ni merupakan sejenis produk yang digunakan untuk mengecutkan jerawat bernanah yang ada dekat muka & juga utk meredakan bintik2 kemerahan yang naik tiba-tiba dekat muka.
Bahan yang ada dalam acne & blemish stick : organic shea butter,coconut oil,sweet almond oil,golden jojoba oil,castor oil,vit e,beeswax,lavender oil & tea tree oil.
Castor oil antara bahan yang sangat sangat sangat sangat power untuk heal masalah jerawat dekat kulit kita selain dari tea tree oil.
Cara guna : 2x sehari selepas mencuci muka & toner. Atau boleh juga digunakan pada bila2 masa yang uoll suka! Just dot dekat tempat yang ada jerawat bernanah atau biji2 merah y baru nak berjinak-jinak menjadi jerawat.😁 uoll dot dekat situ dan biarkan ja.
Insyallah konsisten pakai nanti jerawat terus down xnak naik dah. So kita pun boleh jadi happy girl!!!😘😘😘
Size dia kecik molek 5ml ja. Kenapa buat bentuk yang kecil molek mcmni??? Sebab saya nak mudahkan awk semua bawa dalam purse.
Nampak ja jerawat nak naik, DOT terus!!! Yeeeaaahhhh! Puas hati woooo..

IG: www.instagram.com/kekwa_colors2/ - @kekwa_colors2 
Email: kekwacolors@gmail.com 
Shopee: http://bit.ly/23rmlWX